Somerville Open Studios 2024 Puzzles

Have a great Somerville Open Studios 2024! Here are a few puzzles to get you in the mood and exploring the Open Studios site, for short.

You can download all puzzles in a bundled PDF. (thanks, Peter Belford!) Artists (and anyone): feel free to print and distribute these as you like.

Below are links to four puzzles that lead to a fifth puzzle and a final answer. Each puzzle's solution will be one or two words.

and use the four answers in the final puzzle:

If you solve it, send your name (or pseudonym) and the solution to me at I'll add you to the list of solvers here.

Those honored few who solved the SOS puzzles of 2024: SandyS, Patrick

For more art you can see year-round and much else in Somerville, see the SomeSights map and other fun maps here.

The shortcut for this puzzle page is, and here's the QR code to get here - use it as you like!

Eric Haines