Herein are all the tables of contents of all issues of the Ray Tracing News, originally compiled by Joe Cychosz, (Thanks, Joe!), and updated since by me. Enjoy, Eric Haines ------------------ starts here ----------- _ __ ______ _ __ ' ) ) / ' ) ) /--' __. __ , --/ __ __. _. o ____ _, / / _ , , , _ / \_(_/|_/ (_/_ (_/ / (_(_/|_(__<_/ / <_(_)_ / (_ 1, by Craig Kolb and Eric Haines Quartic Roots, and "Intro to RT" Errata, by Larry Gritz and Eric Haines More on Quartics, by Larry Spence Question: Kay and Kajiya Slabs for Arbitrary Quadrics? by Thomas C. Palmer Ambient Term, by Pierre Poulin Book Reviews on Hierarchical Data Structures of Hanan Samet, by A. T. Campbell, III Comparison of Kolb, Haines, and MTV Ray Tracers, Part I, by Eric Haines Raytracer Performance of MTV, by Steve Lamont BRL-CAD Ray Tracer Timings, by Gavin Bell BRL-CAD Benchmarking and Parallelism, by Mike Muuss ======== USENET cullings follow ======== Rayshade Patches Available, by Craig Kolb Research and Timings from IRISA, by Didier Badouel Concerning Smart Pixels, by John S. Watson Input Files for DBW Render, by Tad Guy Intersection with Rotated Cubic Curve Reference, by Richard Bartels Needed: Quartz surface characteristics, by Mike Macgirvin Solution to Smallest Sphere Enclosing a Set of Points, by Tom Shermer True Integration of Linear/Area Lights, by Kevin Picott RTNews9 - v2n8: October 27, 1989 ------------------------------- Introduction Tracing Tricks, edited by Eric Haines Ambient Light Efficiency Schemes Bounding Volume Hierarchy Octree Bounding Box Intersection Spline Surface Intersection Acknowledgements Bibliography RTNews8 - v2n7: October 13, 1989 -------------------------------- Introduction New People and Address Changes Solid Surface Modeler Information, by Eric Haines Minimum Bounding Sphere Program, by Marshall Levine Parallelism & Modeler Info Request, by Brian Corrie ======== USENET cullings follow ======== Ray Tracer Available, by Craig Kolb Source from Roy Hall's Book, by Tim O'Connor More on Texture Mapping by Spatial Position, by Paul Lalonde Procedural Bump-mapping Query, by Prem Subrahmanyam Ray Tracer Performance on Machines, by Gavin A. Bell, Steve Lamont Projective Mapping Explanation, by Ken "Turk" Turkowski Intersection Calculation Problem Request, Jari Toivanen Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics - Call for Errata, by David Rogers Raytracing on NCUBE Request, by Ping Kang Hsiung Intersection Between a Line and a Polygon (UNDECIDABLE??), by Dave Baraff, Tom Duff RTNews8- v2n6: September 20, 1989 ------------------------------- Introduction New People and Address Changes Q&A on Radiosity Using Ray Tracing, by Mark VandeWettering and John Wallace Dark Bulbs, by Eric Haines MTV Ray Tracer Update and Bugfix, by Mark VandeWettering DBW Ray Tracer Description ======== USENET cullings follow ======== Wanted: Easy Ray/Torus Intersection, by Jochen Schwarze Polygon to Patch NFF Filter, by Didier Badouel Texture Mapping Resources, by Eric Haines, Prem Subrahmanyam, Ranjit Bhatnagar, and Jack Ritter RTNews7 - v2n5: August 29, 1989 --------------------------------- Introduction A SIGGRAPH Report, by Eric Haines Ray Tracing Poll, from the roundtable discussion _An Introduction to Ray Tracing_, Announcement and Errata _Graphics Gems_ Call for Contributions, by Andrew Glassner New People and Address Changes Bugs in MTV's Ray Tracer, by Eric Haines Bug in SPD, from Pete Segal Solid Textures Tidbit, by Roman Kuchkuda Sundry Comments, by Jeff Goldsmith Texture Mapping Question, by Susan Spach ======== USENET cullings follow ======== Ray Traced Image Files, Prem Subramanyan Image Collection, by Paul Raveling MTV-Raytracer on ATARI ST - precision error report, by Dan Riley Question on Ray Tracing Bicubic Parametric Patches, by Robert Minsk RTNews7 - v2n4: June 21, 1989 ----------------------------------- Introduction Hardcopy News New (and Used?) People Minimum Bounding Sphere, continued, by Jack Ritter Comments on "A Review of Multi-Computer Ray-Tracing", by Thierry Priol Query: Dataflow architectures and Ray Tracing, by George Kyriazis ======== USENET cullings follow ======== Re: Pixar's noise function, by Jon Buller Re: DBW_render for SUN 3 ? by Tad Guy Re: Steel Colors, by Eugene Miya Dirty Little Tricks, by Jack Ritter Obfuscated Ray Tracer, by George Kyriazis Contents of FTP archives,, by Mark VandeWettering RTNews7 - v2n3: May 12, 1989 -------------------------------- Introduction New People, by Carl Bass, Paul Wanuga QRT Ray Tracer (and five other Amiga Ray Tracers), by Steve Koren New Version of MTV Ray Tracer, by Mark VandeWettering Re: Ray Traced Bounding Spheres, by Earl Culham Noise and Turbulence Function Code, Pascal and C, by Jon Buller, William Dirks RTNews6 - v2n2: February 20, 1989 ------------------------------- Introduction, by Eric Haines New Subscribers, by Turner Whitted, Mike Muuss The BRL CAD Package, by Mike Muuss New Book: _Illumination and Color in Computer Generated Imagery_, Roy Hall (Eric Haines) Uniform Distribution of Sample Points on a Surface Depth of Field Problem, by Marinko Laban Query on Frequency Dependent Reflectance, by Mark Reichert "Best of" ftp Site, by Raymond Brand Notes on Frequency Dependent Refraction Sound Tracing Laser Speckle RTNews6 - v2n1: January 6, 1989 ----------------------------- Introduction, by Eric Haines New Members, by David Jevans, Subrata Dasgupta, Darwin Thielman, Steven Stadnicki, Mark Reichert Multiprocessor Visualization of Parametric Surfaces, by Markku Tamminen, comments from many others Miscellany, by K.R.Subramanian, David F. Rogers, Steven Stadnicki, Joe Smith, Mark Reichert, Tracey Bernath Supersampling Discussion, by David Jevans, Alan Paeth, Andrew Woo, Loren Carpenter Distributed Ray Tracer Available, by George Kyriazis Ray Tracing Program for 3b1, by Sid Grange Map Archive, by Gary L. Crum Index of Back Issues, by Eric Haines RTNews5 - v1n11: November 4, 1988 ---------------------------------- Intro New People Ray/Triangle Intersection with Barycentric Coordinates, by Rod Bogart, Jeff Arenberg Transforming normals, by David F. Rogers 2D box-test, by Jack van Wijk Re: Neutral File Format, by Jeff Goldsmith RT and Applications, by Cary Scofield Re: Goldsmith and Eyes, by K.R.Subramanian Wood Textures, by Rod Bogart Shadows, Mirrors, and "Virtual Lighting", by Steve Stadnicki Re: Basics of Raytracing, by David Jevans Re: What is Renderman Standard?, by Steve Upstill Free On-Line Computer Graphics References Latest Mailing List, Short Form, by Eric Haines RTNews5 - v1n10: October 3, 1988 ----------------------------------- Intro New Addresses and People Bitmap Stuff, by Jeff Goldsmith More Comments on Kay/Kajiya Questions and Answers (for want of a better name) More on MTV's Public Domain Ray Tracer (features, bug fixes, etc) Neutral File Format (NFF), by Eric Haines RTNews4 - v1n9: September 11, 1988 --------------------------------- Intro Capsule Autobiographies, by more new people The Continuing Saga of MTV's Raytracer, by Mark VandeWettering Public Domain Ray Tracer Q & A, by Mark VandeWettering Public Domain Ray Tracer Utilities, by Tom Vijlbrief Sorting Unnecessary on Shadow Rays for Kay/Kajiya? by Eric Haines and Mark VandeWettering Summary of Replies to Vectorizing Ray-Object Intersection Query, by Tom Palmer The Ray Tracer I Wrote, by George Kyriazis New Bitmaps Library Available, Jef Poskanzer RTNews4 - v1n8: September 5, 1988 ------------------------------- Intro Capsule Biographies SIGGRAPH '88 RT Roundtable Summary, by Paul Strauss and Jeff Goldsmith Commercial Ray Tracing Software and SIGGRAPH, by Eric Haines and others A Letter, by Jeff Goldsmith Best of USENET Postscript Ray Tracer, John Hartman and Paul Heckbert RTNews3 - v1n7: June 20, 1988 -------------------------------------- Introduction New People and Addresses Non-article on RenderMan and Dore', by Eric Haines Ray Tracing Bibliography Update, by Paul Heckbert and Eric Haines Commercial Ray Tracing Software, by Eric Haines Benchmarks, by Jeff Goldsmith RTNews3 - v1n6: April 6, 1988 ---------------------------------- RT News, Hardcopy Form, by Andrew Glassner New People Question for the Day, by Rod Bogart Re: Linear-time Voxel Walking for BSP, by Erik Jansen Some Thoughts on the Theory of RT Efficiency, by Jim Arvo Automatic Creation of Object Hierarchies for Ray Tracing, by Eric Haines Best of USENET RTNews2 - v1n5: March 26, 1988 --------------------------------- Intro, Eric Haines Mailing list changes and additions: Kuchkuda, Lorig, Rekola More on shadow testing, efficiency, etc., Jeff Goldsmith More comments on tight fitting octrees for quadrics, Jeff Goldsmith LINEAR-TIME VOXEL WALKING FOR OCTREES, Jim Arvo Efficiency Tricks, Eric Haines A Rendering Trick and a Puzzle, Eric Haines PECG correction, David Rogers RTNews2 - v1n4: March 8, 1988 ------------------------------- Surface acne, by Eric Haines Goldsmith/Salmon hierarchy building Efficiency tricks followup, by Ohta, Goldsmith, Haines ======== USENET cullings follow ======== Spatial Subdivision, by Ruud Waij, Paul Heckbert, Andrew Glassner RTNews2 - v1n3: March 1, 1988 ---------------------------------- Mailing list updates Another Dore' article Teapot in a football stadium, by Glassner, Arvo, Haines Efficiency Tricks, by Jeff Goldsmith More book recommendations, by Jeff Goldsmith Bug for the day, by Eric Haines A pet peeve, by Jeff Goldsmith RTNews2 - v1n2: Februrary 15, 1988 --------------------------------- Dore' RTNews1 - v1n1: January 15, 1988 ----------------------------------- Introduction Subdivision and CSG, by Erik Jansen Spline surface rendering, and what's wrong with octrees, by Eric Haines Top ten hit parade of computer graphics books, by Eric Haines Normal vectors and octree relies, by Olin Lathrop and Eric Haines Subspaces and simulated annealing, by Jim Arvo RTNews1 - the start: Sometime after Siggraph '87 ------------------- Introduction SPD and NETLIB, by Eric Haines Spline Surfaces, by John Peterson, Haines, Goldsmith, Kay Abnormal Normals, by Eric Haines ---- END