CSS Color Module Level 4 colors listed from white, then adding the "farthest from all previous colors" color in the list, each in turn. CSS colors here: https://www.w3.org/TR/2022/CR-css-color-4-20220705/#named-colors, with variant color names (ones that have exactly the same colors) separated by a "/", such as "fuchsia/magenta". Nearest neighbor and distances are just FYE: the neighbor is the previous color found that was closest to the new color that is farthest from all colors so far. The distance is the distance of this nearest neighbor, just to show how this distance goes down as more colors are added. Two runs are included: using CIELab distances and using linear RGB color cube distances. See full article at http://www.realtimerendering.com/blog/low-discrepancy-color-sequences/ Eric Haines, erich@acm.org, 11/1/2022 Using CIELab for color distances: Color 0 is (255, 255, 255) and is named white Color 1 is ( 0, 0, 255) and is named blue, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 153.4592 Color 2 is (255, 0, 0) and is named red, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 122.5473 Color 3 is ( 0, 255, 0) and is named lime, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 121.5338 Color 4 is ( 0, 0, 0) and is named black, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 102.0500 Color 5 is (255, 215, 0) and is named gold, nearest neighbor is lime at a distance of 81.6745 Color 6 is (199, 21, 133) and is named mediumvioletred, nearest neighbor is black at a distance of 77.9982 Color 7 is ( 30, 144, 255) and is named dodgerblue, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 76.5373 Color 8 is ( 0, 100, 0) and is named darkgreen, nearest neighbor is black at a distance of 72.6486 Color 9 is ( 0, 0, 128) and is named navy, nearest neighbor is blue at a distance of 58.4600 Color 10 is (255, 160, 122) and is named lightsalmon, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 57.7040 Color 11 is (152, 251, 152) and is named palegreen, nearest neighbor is darkgreen at a distance of 56.7055 Color 12 is (255, 0, 255) and is named fuchsia/magenta, nearest neighbor is blue at a distance of 56.5409 Color 13 is ( 0, 128, 128) and is named teal, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 55.7655 Color 14 is (221, 160, 221) and is named plum, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 48.7548 Color 15 is ( 0, 255, 255) and is named aqua/cyan, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 48.1651 Color 16 is (128, 0, 0) and is named maroon, nearest neighbor is red at a distance of 47.2934 Color 17 is (255, 140, 0) and is named darkorange, nearest neighbor is lightsalmon at a distance of 44.5617 Color 18 is (189, 183, 107) and is named darkkhaki, nearest neighbor is lightsalmon at a distance of 39.0967 Color 19 is (186, 85, 211) and is named mediumorchid, nearest neighbor is mediumvioletred at a distance of 38.3208 Color 20 is ( 0, 191, 255) and is named deepskyblue, nearest neighbor is dodgerblue at a distance of 37.6923 Color 21 is ( 72, 61, 139) and is named darkslateblue, nearest neighbor is navy at a distance of 36.7707 Color 22 is (154, 205, 50) and is named yellowgreen, nearest neighbor is palegreen at a distance of 36.2656 Color 23 is (255, 99, 71) and is named tomato, nearest neighbor is lightsalmon at a distance of 33.0476 Color 24 is (188, 143, 143) and is named rosybrown, nearest neighbor is lightsalmon at a distance of 32.9567 Color 25 is (138, 43, 226) and is named blueviolet, nearest neighbor is mediumorchid at a distance of 32.4050 Color 26 is (102, 205, 170) and is named mediumaquamarine, nearest neighbor is aqua/cyan at a distance of 31.8362 Color 27 is (128, 128, 0) and is named olive, nearest neighbor is darkkhaki at a distance of 29.7760 Color 28 is ( 0, 255, 127) and is named springgreen, nearest neighbor is palegreen at a distance of 28.9271 Color 29 is (219, 112, 147) and is named palevioletred, nearest neighbor is rosybrown at a distance of 28.8468 Color 30 is ( 70, 130, 180) and is named steelblue, nearest neighbor is deepskyblue at a distance of 28.7741 Color 31 is ( 46, 139, 87) and is named seagreen, nearest neighbor is mediumaquamarine at a distance of 28.4442 Color 32 is (160, 82, 45) and is named sienna, nearest neighbor is maroon at a distance of 28.1191 Color 33 is (128, 0, 128) and is named purple, nearest neighbor is mediumvioletred at a distance of 27.5331 Color 34 is (255, 218, 185) and is named peachpuff, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 27.2891 Color 35 is (218, 165, 32) and is named goldenrod, nearest neighbor is gold at a distance of 27.0433 Color 36 is (173, 255, 47) and is named greenyellow, nearest neighbor is yellowgreen at a distance of 26.7357 Color 37 is ( 85, 107, 47) and is named darkolivegreen, nearest neighbor is seagreen at a distance of 26.3853 Color 38 is ( 47, 79, 79) and is named darkslategray/darkslategrey, nearest neighbor is teal at a distance of 26.3678 Color 39 is ( 50, 205, 50) and is named limegreen, nearest neighbor is springgreen at a distance of 25.9437 Color 40 is (176, 196, 222) and is named lightsteelblue, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 25.7252 Color 41 is (123, 104, 238) and is named mediumslateblue, nearest neighbor is mediumorchid at a distance of 25.5776 Color 42 is (220, 20, 60) and is named crimson, nearest neighbor is tomato at a distance of 24.3862 Color 43 is (255, 255, 0) and is named yellow, nearest neighbor is gold at a distance of 23.8250 Color 44 is (210, 105, 30) and is named chocolate, nearest neighbor is darkorange at a distance of 22.9869 Color 45 is (112, 128, 144) and is named slategray/slategrey, nearest neighbor is steelblue at a distance of 22.9209 Color 46 is (205, 92, 92) and is named indianred, nearest neighbor is sienna at a distance of 22.6006 Color 47 is ( 0, 0, 205) and is named mediumblue, nearest neighbor is blue at a distance of 22.1606 Color 48 is (255, 105, 180) and is named hotpink, nearest neighbor is palevioletred at a distance of 21.7992 Color 49 is (255, 192, 203) and is named pink, nearest neighbor is rosybrown at a distance of 21.1061 Color 50 is (175, 238, 238) and is named paleturquoise, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 20.9821 Color 51 is (205, 133, 63) and is named peru, nearest neighbor is chocolate at a distance of 19.6582 Color 52 is (238, 130, 238) and is named violet, nearest neighbor is mediumorchid at a distance of 19.3371 Color 53 is (169, 169, 169) and is named darkgray/darkgrey, nearest neighbor is slategray/slategrey at a distance of 18.9747 Color 54 is ( 0, 206, 209) and is named darkturquoise, nearest neighbor is aqua/cyan at a distance of 18.8784 Color 55 is (127, 255, 212) and is named aquamarine, nearest neighbor is mediumaquamarine at a distance of 18.8026 Color 56 is (238, 232, 170) and is named palegoldenrod, nearest neighbor is peachpuff at a distance of 18.4577 Color 57 is (143, 188, 143) and is named darkseagreen, nearest neighbor is mediumaquamarine at a distance of 18.3926 Color 58 is (255, 20, 147) and is named deeppink, nearest neighbor is mediumvioletred at a distance of 18.3399 Color 59 is ( 25, 25, 112) and is named midnightblue, nearest neighbor is darkslateblue at a distance of 17.9857 Color 60 is ( 60, 179, 113) and is named mediumseagreen, nearest neighbor is seagreen at a distance of 17.3850 Color 61 is (107, 142, 35) and is named olivedrab, nearest neighbor is olive at a distance of 17.2355 Color 62 is (102, 51, 153) and is named rebeccapurple, nearest neighbor is darkslateblue at a distance of 17.0439 Color 63 is (135, 206, 250) and is named lightskyblue, nearest neighbor is deepskyblue at a distance of 16.8021 Color 64 is (147, 112, 219) and is named mediumpurple, nearest neighbor is mediumslateblue at a distance of 16.7881 Color 65 is ( 34, 139, 34) and is named forestgreen, nearest neighbor is darkgreen at a distance of 16.6101 Color 66 is ( 0, 250, 154) and is named mediumspringgreen, nearest neighbor is springgreen at a distance of 16.5382 Color 67 is (255, 255, 224) and is named lightyellow, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 16.5164 Color 68 is (222, 184, 135) and is named burlywood, nearest neighbor is peachpuff at a distance of 16.3869 Color 69 is (153, 50, 204) and is named darkorchid, nearest neighbor is blueviolet at a distance of 16.1490 Color 70 is (165, 42, 42) and is named brown, nearest neighbor is maroon at a distance of 15.6227 Color 71 is (211, 211, 211) and is named lightgray/lightgrey, nearest neighbor is darkgray/darkgrey at a distance of 15.5523 Color 72 is (127, 255, 0) and is named chartreuse, nearest neighbor is greenyellow at a distance of 15.5341 Color 73 is (250, 128, 114) and is named salmon, nearest neighbor is indianred at a distance of 15.1916 Color 74 is (216, 191, 216) and is named thistle, nearest neighbor is lightsteelblue at a distance of 15.1853 Color 75 is (105, 105, 105) and is named dimgray/dimgrey, nearest neighbor is slategray/slategrey at a distance of 15.0524 Color 76 is (240, 230, 140) and is named khaki, nearest neighbor is palegoldenrod at a distance of 15.0045 Color 77 is (100, 149, 237) and is named cornflowerblue, nearest neighbor is dodgerblue at a distance of 14.9070 Color 78 is ( 95, 158, 160) and is named cadetblue, nearest neighbor is teal at a distance of 14.6803 Color 79 is (255, 165, 0) and is named orange, nearest neighbor is darkorange at a distance of 14.6591 Color 80 is ( 65, 105, 225) and is named royalblue, nearest neighbor is mediumslateblue at a distance of 14.3682 Color 81 is ( 75, 0, 130) and is named indigo, nearest neighbor is navy at a distance of 13.8792 Color 82 is (255, 127, 80) and is named coral, nearest neighbor is tomato at a distance of 13.8000 Color 83 is ( 32, 178, 170) and is named lightseagreen, nearest neighbor is darkturquoise at a distance of 13.3461 Color 84 is (230, 230, 250) and is named lavender, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 13.3358 Color 85 is (255, 69, 0) and is named orangered, nearest neighbor is red at a distance of 13.3318 Color 86 is (184, 134, 11) and is named darkgoldenrod, nearest neighbor is goldenrod at a distance of 13.0565 Color 87 is (244, 164, 96) and is named sandybrown, nearest neighbor is peru at a distance of 12.4393 Color 88 is ( 64, 224, 208) and is named turquoise, nearest neighbor is darkturquoise at a distance of 12.1424 Color 89 is (173, 216, 230) and is named lightblue, nearest neighbor is lightsteelblue at a distance of 11.8993 Color 90 is (106, 90, 205) and is named slateblue, nearest neighbor is mediumslateblue at a distance of 11.7585 Color 91 is (255, 228, 225) and is named mistyrose, nearest neighbor is lightgray/lightgrey at a distance of 11.7165 Color 92 is (240, 128, 128) and is named lightcoral, nearest neighbor is salmon at a distance of 10.2773 Color 93 is (224, 255, 255) and is named lightcyan, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 10.1200 Color 94 is (250, 235, 215) and is named antiquewhite, nearest neighbor is lightyellow at a distance of 9.7958 Color 95 is (178, 34, 34) and is named firebrick, nearest neighbor is brown at a distance of 9.4996 Color 96 is (240, 255, 240) and is named honeydew, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 9.3726 Color 97 is (128, 128, 128) and is named gray/grey, nearest neighbor is dimgray/dimgrey at a distance of 9.3115 Color 98 is (139, 69, 19) and is named saddlebrown, nearest neighbor is sienna at a distance of 9.1219 Color 99 is (233, 150, 122) and is named darksalmon, nearest neighbor is lightsalmon at a distance of 8.6765 Color 100 is (148, 0, 211) and is named darkviolet, nearest neighbor is blueviolet at a distance of 8.6607 Color 101 is (135, 206, 235) and is named skyblue, nearest neighbor is lightskyblue at a distance of 8.6018 Color 102 is (255, 222, 173) and is named navajowhite, nearest neighbor is peachpuff at a distance of 8.4257 Color 103 is (255, 250, 205) and is named lemonchiffon, nearest neighbor is lightyellow at a distance of 8.1593 Color 104 is (218, 112, 214) and is named orchid, nearest neighbor is violet at a distance of 7.6164 Color 105 is (255, 240, 245) and is named lavenderblush, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 7.3921 Color 106 is ( 0, 128, 0) and is named green, nearest neighbor is forestgreen at a distance of 7.2448 Color 107 is (192, 192, 192) and is named silver, nearest neighbor is lightgray/lightgrey at a distance of 6.9564 Color 108 is (255, 245, 238) and is named seashell, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 6.3769 Color 109 is (210, 180, 140) and is named tan, nearest neighbor is burlywood at a distance of 6.2907 Color 110 is ( 72, 209, 204) and is named mediumturquoise, nearest neighbor is darkturquoise at a distance of 6.0169 Color 111 is (255, 235, 205) and is named blanchedalmond, nearest neighbor is antiquewhite at a distance of 5.8108 Color 112 is ( 0, 0, 139) and is named darkblue, nearest neighbor is navy at a distance of 5.3896 Color 113 is (176, 224, 230) and is named powderblue, nearest neighbor is lightblue at a distance of 5.3805 Color 114 is (245, 222, 179) and is named wheat, nearest neighbor is navajowhite at a distance of 5.2956 Color 115 is (255, 182, 193) and is named lightpink, nearest neighbor is pink at a distance of 5.2077 Color 116 is (240, 248, 255) and is named aliceblue, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 5.1612 Color 117 is (255, 255, 240) and is named ivory, nearest neighbor is honeydew at a distance of 5.0971 Color 118 is (144, 238, 144) and is named lightgreen, nearest neighbor is palegreen at a distance of 5.0490 Color 119 is (139, 0, 139) and is named darkmagenta, nearest neighbor is purple at a distance of 4.9596 Color 120 is (240, 255, 255) and is named azure, nearest neighbor is aliceblue at a distance of 4.7969 Color 121 is (139, 0, 0) and is named darkred, nearest neighbor is maroon at a distance of 4.6709 Color 122 is ( 0, 139, 139) and is named darkcyan, nearest neighbor is teal at a distance of 4.6609 Color 123 is (245, 245, 220) and is named beige, nearest neighbor is lightyellow at a distance of 4.4530 Color 124 is (253, 245, 230) and is named oldlace, nearest neighbor is seashell at a distance of 4.3031 Color 125 is (255, 228, 196) and is named bisque, nearest neighbor is blanchedalmond at a distance of 3.8906 Color 126 is (245, 245, 245) and is named whitesmoke, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 3.5154 Color 127 is (255, 228, 181) and is named moccasin, nearest neighbor is wheat at a distance of 3.3163 Color 128 is (250, 250, 210) and is named lightgoldenrodyellow, nearest neighbor is lemonchiffon at a distance of 3.3042 Color 129 is (220, 220, 220) and is named gainsboro, nearest neighbor is lightgray/lightgrey at a distance of 3.2537 Color 130 is (119, 136, 153) and is named lightslategray/lightslategrey, nearest neighbor is slategray/slategrey at a distance of 3.2498 Color 131 is (255, 248, 220) and is named cornsilk, nearest neighbor is beige at a distance of 3.1749 Color 132 is (245, 255, 250) and is named mintcream, nearest neighbor is azure at a distance of 3.1615 Color 133 is (255, 239, 213) and is named papayawhip, nearest neighbor is blanchedalmond at a distance of 3.1566 Color 134 is (255, 250, 240) and is named floralwhite, nearest neighbor is seashell at a distance of 2.7425 Color 135 is (248, 248, 255) and is named ghostwhite, nearest neighbor is aliceblue at a distance of 2.6556 Color 136 is (250, 240, 230) and is named linen, nearest neighbor is seashell at a distance of 2.5166 Color 137 is (255, 250, 250) and is named snow, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 2.3750 Color 138 is (124, 252, 0) and is named lawngreen, nearest neighbor is chartreuse at a distance of 1.3091 Here's the program run with $colorcube = 1, where the distance among linear RGB values (properly converting from sRGB) are used instead. White and black are now direct opposites, unlike with CIELab. Color 0 is (255, 255, 255) and is named white Color 1 is ( 0, 0, 0) and is named black, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 1.7321 Color 2 is ( 0, 191, 255) and is named deepskyblue, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 1.1088 Color 3 is (173, 255, 47) and is named greenyellow, nearest neighbor is black at a distance of 1.0842 Color 4 is (255, 20, 147) and is named deeppink, nearest neighbor is black at a distance of 1.0417 Color 5 is (255, 0, 255) and is named fuchsia/magenta, nearest neighbor is deeppink at a distance of 0.7083 Color 6 is (192, 192, 192) and is named silver, nearest neighbor is greenyellow at a distance of 0.6959 Color 7 is (255, 215, 0) and is named gold, nearest neighbor is greenyellow at a distance of 0.6651 Color 8 is ( 0, 0, 205) and is named mediumblue, nearest neighbor is black at a distance of 0.6105 Color 9 is (127, 255, 212) and is named aquamarine, nearest neighbor is silver at a distance of 0.5831 Color 10 is ( 50, 205, 50) and is named limegreen, nearest neighbor is greenyellow at a distance of 0.5484 Color 11 is (184, 134, 11) and is named darkgoldenrod, nearest neighbor is black at a distance of 0.5353 Color 12 is (255, 228, 196) and is named bisque, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 0.5009 Color 13 is (186, 85, 211) and is named mediumorchid, nearest neighbor is silver at a distance of 0.4551 Color 14 is ( 0, 255, 127) and is named springgreen, nearest neighbor is limegreen at a distance of 0.4304 Color 15 is ( 95, 158, 160) and is named cadetblue, nearest neighbor is limegreen at a distance of 0.4256 Color 16 is ( 0, 255, 255) and is named aqua/cyan, nearest neighbor is aquamarine at a distance of 0.4022 Color 17 is ( 72, 209, 204) and is named mediumturquoise, nearest neighbor is cadetblue at a distance of 0.3918 Color 18 is ( 0, 0, 255) and is named blue, nearest neighbor is mediumblue at a distance of 0.3895 Color 19 is (255, 140, 0) and is named darkorange, nearest neighbor is deeppink at a distance of 0.3877 Color 20 is (139, 0, 139) and is named darkmagenta, nearest neighbor is black at a distance of 0.3651 Color 21 is (176, 224, 230) and is named powderblue, nearest neighbor is silver at a distance of 0.3551 Color 22 is (222, 184, 135) and is named burlywood, nearest neighbor is silver at a distance of 0.3532 Color 23 is (220, 20, 60) and is named crimson, nearest neighbor is darkgoldenrod at a distance of 0.3334 Color 24 is (221, 160, 221) and is named plum, nearest neighbor is silver at a distance of 0.3280 Color 25 is (144, 238, 144) and is named lightgreen, nearest neighbor is greenyellow at a distance of 0.3211 Color 26 is (255, 255, 0) and is named yellow, nearest neighbor is gold at a distance of 0.3205 Color 27 is (240, 230, 140) and is named khaki, nearest neighbor is gold at a distance of 0.3127 Color 28 is (255, 182, 193) and is named lightpink, nearest neighbor is bisque at a distance of 0.3086 Color 29 is (107, 142, 35) and is named olivedrab, nearest neighbor is black at a distance of 0.3083 Color 30 is (230, 230, 250) and is named lavender, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 0.2984 Color 31 is (100, 149, 237) and is named cornflowerblue, nearest neighbor is deepskyblue at a distance of 0.2971 Color 32 is (219, 112, 147) and is named palevioletred, nearest neighbor is crimson at a distance of 0.2914 Color 33 is (154, 205, 50) and is named yellowgreen, nearest neighbor is limegreen at a distance of 0.2912 Color 34 is (138, 43, 226) and is named blueviolet, nearest neighbor is mediumorchid at a distance of 0.2692 Color 35 is (135, 206, 250) and is named lightskyblue, nearest neighbor is deepskyblue at a distance of 0.2644 Color 36 is (220, 220, 220) and is named gainsboro, nearest neighbor is lavender at a distance of 0.2630 Color 37 is (255, 0, 0) and is named red, nearest neighbor is darkorange at a distance of 0.2623 Color 38 is ( 0, 0, 139) and is named darkblue, nearest neighbor is black at a distance of 0.2582 Color 39 is (139, 0, 0) and is named darkred, nearest neighbor is black at a distance of 0.2582 Color 40 is (255, 255, 224) and is named lightyellow, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 0.2546 Color 41 is (218, 165, 32) and is named goldenrod, nearest neighbor is burlywood at a distance of 0.2518 Color 42 is (189, 183, 107) and is named darkkhaki, nearest neighbor is burlywood at a distance of 0.2413 Color 43 is (143, 188, 143) and is named darkseagreen, nearest neighbor is cadetblue at a distance of 0.2398 Color 44 is (188, 143, 143) and is named rosybrown, nearest neighbor is palevioletred at a distance of 0.2350 Color 45 is (238, 130, 238) and is named violet, nearest neighbor is plum at a distance of 0.2264 Color 46 is (124, 252, 0) and is named lawngreen, nearest neighbor is greenyellow at a distance of 0.2198 Color 47 is (224, 255, 255) and is named lightcyan, nearest neighbor is lavender at a distance of 0.2182 Color 48 is ( 0, 128, 128) and is named teal, nearest neighbor is cadetblue at a distance of 0.2177 Color 49 is (102, 205, 170) and is named mediumaquamarine, nearest neighbor is mediumturquoise at a distance of 0.2147 Color 50 is (199, 21, 133) and is named mediumvioletred, nearest neighbor is palevioletred at a distance of 0.2145 Color 51 is (255, 160, 122) and is named lightsalmon, nearest neighbor is darkorange at a distance of 0.2141 Color 52 is (255, 105, 180) and is named hotpink, nearest neighbor is deeppink at a distance of 0.2124 Color 53 is (128, 128, 128) and is named gray/grey, nearest neighbor is cadetblue at a distance of 0.2111 Color 54 is ( 60, 179, 113) and is named mediumseagreen, nearest neighbor is limegreen at a distance of 0.2084 Color 55 is ( 0, 255, 0) and is named lime, nearest neighbor is lawngreen at a distance of 0.2033 Color 56 is (176, 196, 222) and is named lightsteelblue, nearest neighbor is powderblue at a distance of 0.2027 Color 57 is (169, 169, 169) and is named darkgray/darkgrey, nearest neighbor is darkseagreen at a distance of 0.2027 Color 58 is (255, 228, 225) and is named mistyrose, nearest neighbor is bisque at a distance of 0.2009 Color 59 is ( 65, 105, 225) and is named royalblue, nearest neighbor is cornflowerblue at a distance of 0.1994 Color 60 is (218, 112, 214) and is named orchid, nearest neighbor is plum at a distance of 0.1974 Color 61 is ( 30, 144, 255) and is named dodgerblue, nearest neighbor is cornflowerblue at a distance of 0.1924 Color 62 is (233, 150, 122) and is named darksalmon, nearest neighbor is lightsalmon at a distance of 0.1909 Color 63 is (178, 34, 34) and is named firebrick, nearest neighbor is darkred at a distance of 0.1884 Color 64 is (240, 255, 240) and is named honeydew, nearest neighbor is lightyellow at a distance of 0.1800 Color 65 is (216, 191, 216) and is named thistle, nearest neighbor is plum at a distance of 0.1771 Color 66 is (106, 90, 205) and is named slateblue, nearest neighbor is royalblue at a distance of 0.1736 Color 67 is (153, 50, 204) and is named darkorchid, nearest neighbor is blueviolet at a distance of 0.1696 Color 68 is ( 70, 130, 180) and is named steelblue, nearest neighbor is cadetblue at a distance of 0.1671 Color 69 is (123, 104, 238) and is named mediumslateblue, nearest neighbor is blueviolet at a distance of 0.1585 Color 70 is (205, 92, 92) and is named indianred, nearest neighbor is crimson at a distance of 0.1578 Color 71 is ( 0, 128, 0) and is named green, nearest neighbor is olivedrab at a distance of 0.1577 Color 72 is (255, 240, 245) and is named lavenderblush, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 0.1552 Color 73 is ( 32, 178, 170) and is named lightseagreen, nearest neighbor is cadetblue at a distance of 0.1524 Color 74 is (147, 112, 219) and is named mediumpurple, nearest neighbor is blueviolet at a distance of 0.1521 Color 75 is (250, 128, 114) and is named salmon, nearest neighbor is lightsalmon at a distance of 0.1451 Color 76 is (102, 51, 153) and is named rebeccapurple, nearest neighbor is darkmagenta at a distance of 0.1430 Color 77 is (255, 250, 205) and is named lemonchiffon, nearest neighbor is lightyellow at a distance of 0.1419 Color 78 is (255, 222, 173) and is named navajowhite, nearest neighbor is bisque at a distance of 0.1416 Color 79 is (238, 232, 170) and is named palegoldenrod, nearest neighbor is khaki at a distance of 0.1416 Color 80 is (240, 248, 255) and is named aliceblue, nearest neighbor is lightcyan at a distance of 0.1401 Color 81 is (255, 99, 71) and is named tomato, nearest neighbor is red at a distance of 0.1398 Color 82 is (205, 133, 63) and is named peru, nearest neighbor is darkgoldenrod at a distance of 0.1392 Color 83 is (105, 105, 105) and is named dimgray/dimgrey, nearest neighbor is gray/grey at a distance of 0.1292 Color 84 is (175, 238, 238) and is named paleturquoise, nearest neighbor is powderblue at a distance of 0.1269 Color 85 is (245, 245, 220) and is named beige, nearest neighbor is lightyellow at a distance of 0.1264 Color 86 is (255, 255, 240) and is named ivory, nearest neighbor is lightyellow at a distance of 0.1260 Color 87 is (135, 206, 235) and is named skyblue, nearest neighbor is lightskyblue at a distance of 0.1252 Color 88 is (244, 164, 96) and is named sandybrown, nearest neighbor is lightsalmon at a distance of 0.1245 Color 89 is (152, 251, 152) and is named palegreen, nearest neighbor is lightgreen at a distance of 0.1204 Color 90 is ( 0, 250, 154) and is named mediumspringgreen, nearest neighbor is springgreen at a distance of 0.1193 Color 91 is ( 85, 107, 47) and is named darkolivegreen, nearest neighbor is green at a distance of 0.1175 Color 92 is (160, 82, 45) and is named sienna, nearest neighbor is firebrick at a distance of 0.1164 Color 93 is (255, 165, 0) and is named orange, nearest neighbor is darkorange at a distance of 0.1140 Color 94 is ( 64, 224, 208) and is named turquoise, nearest neighbor is mediumturquoise at a distance of 0.1119 Color 95 is (119, 136, 153) and is named lightslategray/lightslategrey, nearest neighbor is gray/grey at a distance of 0.1116 Color 96 is (211, 211, 211) and is named lightgray/lightgrey, nearest neighbor is gainsboro at a distance of 0.1113 Color 97 is (255, 239, 213) and is named papayawhip, nearest neighbor is lemonchiffon at a distance of 0.1078 Color 98 is ( 46, 139, 87) and is named seagreen, nearest neighbor is green at a distance of 0.1078 Color 99 is (210, 105, 30) and is named chocolate, nearest neighbor is indianred at a distance of 0.1057 Color 100 is ( 47, 79, 79) and is named darkslategray/darkslategrey, nearest neighbor is darkolivegreen at a distance of 0.1054 Color 101 is (253, 245, 230) and is named oldlace, nearest neighbor is lightyellow at a distance of 0.0999 Color 102 is ( 25, 25, 112) and is named midnightblue, nearest neighbor is darkblue at a distance of 0.0971 Color 103 is (240, 128, 128) and is named lightcoral, nearest neighbor is salmon at a distance of 0.0971 Color 104 is (245, 245, 245) and is named whitesmoke, nearest neighbor is lavenderblush at a distance of 0.0964 Color 105 is (245, 222, 179) and is named wheat, nearest neighbor is navajowhite at a distance of 0.0929 Color 106 is (210, 180, 140) and is named tan, nearest neighbor is burlywood at a distance of 0.0912 Color 107 is (128, 128, 0) and is named olive, nearest neighbor is olivedrab at a distance of 0.0895 Color 108 is (255, 127, 80) and is named coral, nearest neighbor is tomato at a distance of 0.0891 Color 109 is ( 0, 100, 0) and is named darkgreen, nearest neighbor is green at a distance of 0.0884 Color 110 is (255, 192, 203) and is named pink, nearest neighbor is lightpink at a distance of 0.0872 Color 111 is (245, 255, 250) and is named mintcream, nearest neighbor is aliceblue at a distance of 0.0863 Color 112 is ( 72, 61, 139) and is named darkslateblue, nearest neighbor is darkblue at a distance of 0.0799 Color 113 is ( 0, 206, 209) and is named darkturquoise, nearest neighbor is mediumturquoise at a distance of 0.0759 Color 114 is (255, 218, 185) and is named peachpuff, nearest neighbor is navajowhite at a distance of 0.0734 Color 115 is (255, 248, 220) and is named cornsilk, nearest neighbor is lightyellow at a distance of 0.0681 Color 116 is (248, 248, 255) and is named ghostwhite, nearest neighbor is aliceblue at a distance of 0.0673 Color 117 is (255, 245, 238) and is named seashell, nearest neighbor is oldlace at a distance of 0.0661 Color 118 is (165, 42, 42) and is named brown, nearest neighbor is sienna at a distance of 0.0661 Color 119 is (255, 235, 205) and is named blanchedalmond, nearest neighbor is papayawhip at a distance of 0.0637 Color 120 is (255, 228, 181) and is named moccasin, nearest neighbor is navajowhite at a distance of 0.0633 Color 121 is (255, 250, 250) and is named snow, nearest neighbor is white at a distance of 0.0623 Color 122 is (148, 0, 211) and is named darkviolet, nearest neighbor is darkorchid at a distance of 0.0615 Color 123 is (173, 216, 230) and is named lightblue, nearest neighbor is powderblue at a distance of 0.0609 Color 124 is (240, 255, 255) and is named azure, nearest neighbor is mintcream at a distance of 0.0607 Color 125 is (139, 69, 19) and is named saddlebrown, nearest neighbor is darkred at a distance of 0.0599 Color 126 is ( 0, 139, 139) and is named darkcyan, nearest neighbor is teal at a distance of 0.0599 Color 127 is (128, 0, 128) and is named purple, nearest neighbor is darkmagenta at a distance of 0.0599 Color 128 is (255, 69, 0) and is named orangered, nearest neighbor is red at a distance of 0.0595 Color 129 is ( 75, 0, 130) and is named indigo, nearest neighbor is darkslateblue at a distance of 0.0586 Color 130 is (250, 235, 215) and is named antiquewhite, nearest neighbor is papayawhip at a distance of 0.0565 Color 131 is (250, 250, 210) and is named lightgoldenrodyellow, nearest neighbor is lemonchiffon at a distance of 0.0556 Color 132 is (112, 128, 144) and is named slategray/slategrey, nearest neighbor is lightslategray/lightslategrey at a distance of 0.0547 Color 133 is (250, 240, 230) and is named linen, nearest neighbor is oldlace at a distance of 0.0493 Color 134 is ( 34, 139, 34) and is named forestgreen, nearest neighbor is green at a distance of 0.0480 Color 135 is (255, 250, 240) and is named floralwhite, nearest neighbor is ivory at a distance of 0.0440 Color 136 is (128, 0, 0) and is named maroon, nearest neighbor is darkred at a distance of 0.0423 Color 137 is ( 0, 0, 128) and is named navy, nearest neighbor is darkblue at a distance of 0.0423 Color 138 is (127, 255, 0) and is named chartreuse, nearest neighbor is lawngreen at a distance of 0.0286