Tag Archives: JGT

JGT is now the Journal of Graphics, GPU, and Game Tools

The name change for the journal formerly known as Journal of Graphics Tools was announced today.  This does not reflect a change in focus; rather, the new name more accurately reflects the existing focus of the journal.  The Journal of Graphics Tools was originally conceived as an ongoing successor to the Graphics Gems book series, and it has since been a great place for practical “nuggets” of graphics tech.  Many of the best articles were also collected in a recent book.

I recommend subscribing to this journal, but contributing to it is even better.  JGT is an excellent choice for any game developer who would like to publish a bit of tech they have created; while it is a fully peer-reviewed and citable publication, the focus is squarely on practical applications.  Authors are not expected to spend a lot of time writing up previous research, summary, conclusion, future work, etc.  For more information see the online author’s guide.

In the interests of full disclosure, I should note that all three authors of Real-Time Rendering are on the JGT editorial board.