CFP: IEEE CG&A special issue on material appearance

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IEEE CGA special issue

Modeling and Rendering Material Appearance

Final submissions due: 1 July 2011
Publication date: March/April 2012

Modeling and rendering the appearance of materials is important in many computer graphics applications. Understanding material appearance draws on methods from diverse fields including the physics of light interaction with material (including models of BRDF, bidirectional reflectance distribution functions, and BSSRDF, bidirectional subsurface scattering reflection distribution functions), human perception of materials, and efficient data structures and algorithms.

This special issue will cover all aspects of material appearance in graphics, ranging from theory to application. Possible topics include (but are not limited to)

  • first-principle models for BRDF and BSSRDF;
  • procedural models of materials;
  • modeling of mesoscale material features including bumps, ridges, and so on;
  • measurement of material appearance including BRDF, BSSRDF, and BTF (bidirectional texture functions);
  • numerical simulation of material appearance;
  • new instruments for measuring appearance;
  • material-appearance models from photo collections;
  • new data structures for representing material appearance;
  • efficient rendering of BTF and BSSRDF;
  • new interfaces for designing material appearance;
  • methods for printing hard copies of material appearance;
  • psychophysics of material appearance with application to computer modeling;
  • material-appearance applications in industry such as the design of paints and coatings; and
  • nonphotorealistic rendering of material appearance.


Contact Holly Rushmeier ( or  Pierre Poulin (

Submission Guidelines

Articles should be no more than 8,000 words, with each figure counting as 200 words. Cite only the 12 most relevant references, and consider providing technical background in sidebars for nonexpert readers. Color images are preferable and should be limited to 10. Visit CG&A style and length guidelines at

Please submit your article using the online manuscript submission service at When uploading your article, select the appropriate special-issue title under the category “Manuscript Type.” Also include complete contact information for all authors. If you have any questions about submitting your article, contact the peer review coordinator at